Learning material for our courses

Right from the beginning, developing booksan integral part of the overall philosophy of alpha beta piccadilly, as part of our educational and cultural project in a multilingual, multicultural and intercultural area.

These books were developed by us for use in our language courses or are intended to help participants perfect their language skills outside of the courses

Purchasing books

These books can be purchased from our offices or ordered from menghin@alphabeta.it.

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Via Talvera/Talfergasse 1A
Tel. 0471 978 600

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Tel. 0473 210 650

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Sprint.it - Exercises in preparation for the South Tyrolean bi-lingual exam and other language certificates. With audio CD
Authors: Camilla Bigarello, Gloria Bruschetta

Published: 2020

Language: Italian

Pages: 144

Price: € 15,00
Sprint.it offers valuable help for practising the four skills:
listening, reading, writing  and speaking.

The types of exercises used are fundamental for preparing for:
  • the Province of Bolzano's bilingual examination (Patentino)
  • other second language Italian exams
  • the Italian as a second language part of the school leaving certificate in South Tyrol.
Apart from exam preparation, the numerous authentic texts, both written and spoken, expose those learning the language to the richness of the language and accompany them step by step in measuring their own knowledge and developing the ability to understand and produce the language.

The answers at the send of each section mean this book is ideal for:
  • teachers who need a solid basis for working in the classroom
  • students studying on their own
Sprint.it is made up of:
  • Students's book with answer key
  • 1 CD with audio material
This book was published with the support of:
Italiano per stranieri. 202 execrcises with answer key and relative grammar – A1>A2
AuthorsRita Luzi Catizone, Luisa Guerrini, Luigi Micarelli

Published: 2013

Language: Italian

Pages: 232

Price: € 19,00

For further information about enrolments and exam dates please contact celi@alphabeta.it.

We don’t offer this exam.
This book aims to provide the teacher, for class work, and the student, for self-study, with a variety of exercises to "train" grammatical knowledge and textual competence of the Italian language.

It is aimed at students at beginner (A1) and elementary (A2) levels of the Common European Framework of reference for languages (CEFR) and is useful for familiarisation with some of the methods used in Italian lanuage exams (CILS, CELI, I.T. and PLDA). Students can compare their anwers with those in the appendix and consult the grammatical guide that accompanies the book.

The book is referenced to the CEFR ​​but it also takes into account the need for students to familiarise themselves with the methods used in the CILS, CELI, I.T. and PLIDA Italian language exams, helping them to prepare adequately forthe tests, engaging them in using the language via the textual basis of authentic texts.

The book is divided into two parts with exercises that test the student's different skills: communicative, textual, morphosyntactic, lexical and so on.

There are various types of exercises:
  • monothematic cloze tests
  • polythematic cloze tests
  • pure cloze (one word deleted every “x” words)
  • analysis of grammatical forms
  • rewriting of texts in which some elements are changed
  • multiple choice
  • interlocking of jokes
  • reading comprehension questions
  • applying textual coherence and cohesion
  • analysis of authentic or spontaneous conversations
Students can compare their answers with those in the appendix and consult, where necessary, the short gammatical guide that accompanies the book.

This book was developed in collaboration with DILIT INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, Rome.
Italiano per stranieri. 202 execrcises with answer key and relative grammar – B1>B2
AuthorsRita Luzi Catizone, Luisa Guerrini, Luigi Micarelli

Published: 2013

Language: Italian

Pages: 280

Price: € 19,00
This book aims to provide the teacher, for class work, and the student, for self-study, with a variety of exercises to "train" grammatical knowledge and textual competence of the Italian language.

It is aimed at students at intemediate (B1 & B2))  levels of the Common European Framework of reference for languages (CEFR) and is useful for familiarisation with some of the methods used in Italian lanuage exams (CILS, CELI, I.T. and PLDA). Students can compare their anwers with those in the appendix and consult the grammatical guide that accompanies the book.

The book is referenced to the CEFR ​​but it also takes into account the need for students to familiarise themselves with the methods used in the CILS, CELI, I.T. and PLIDA Italian language exams, helping them to prepare adequately forthe tests, engaging them in using the language via the textual basis of authentic texts.

The book is divided into two parts with exercises that test the student's different skills: communicative, textual, morphosyntactic, lexical and so on.

There are various types of exercises:
  • monothematic cloze tests
  • polythematic cloze tests
  • pure cloze (one word deleted every “x” words)
  • analysis of grammatical forms
  • rewriting of texts in which some elements are changed
  • multiple choice
  • interlocking of jokes
  • reading comprehension questions
  • applying textual coherence and cohesion
  • analysis of authentic or spontaneous conversations
Students can compare their answers with those in the appendix and consult, where necessary, the short gammatical guide that accompanies the book.

This book was developed in collaboration with DILIT INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, Rome.
Italiano per stranieri. 202 execrcises with answer key and relative grammar – C1>C2
AuthorsRita Luzi Catizone, Luisa Guerrini, Luigi Micarelli

Published: 2014

Language: Italian

Pages: 280

Price: € 19,00
This book aims to provide the teacher, for class work, and the student, for self-study, with a variety of exercises to "train" grammatical knowledge and textual competence of the Italian language.

It is aimed at students at advanced (C1 & C2) levels of the Common European Framework of reference for languages (CEFR) and is useful for familiarisation with some of the methods used in Italian lanuage exams (CILS, CELI, I.T. and PLDA). Students can compare their anwers with those in the appendix and consult the grammatical guide that accompanies the book.

The book is referenced to the CEFR ​​but it also takes into account the need for students to familiarise themselves with the methods used in the CILS, CELI, I.T. and PLIDA Italian language exams, helping them to prepare adequately forthe tests, engaging them in using the language via the textual basis of authentic texts.

Teachers and students choose whether to follow the order in the book presented by the authors or to select those grammatical topics that might appear most relevant for them as they might come across them repeatedly while developing their knowledge of the language.

The book is divided into two parts with exercises that test the student's different skills: communicative, textual, morphosyntactic, lexical and so on.

There are various types of exercises:
  • monothematic cloze tests
  • polythematic cloze tests
  • pure cloze (one word deleted every “x” words)
  • analysis of grammatical forms
  • rewriting of texts in which some elements are changed
  • multiple choice
  • interlocking of jokes
  • reading comprehension questions
  • applying textual coherence and cohesion
  • analysis of authentic or spontaneous conversations
Students can compare their answers with those in the appendix and consult, where necessary, the short gammatical guide that accompanies the book.

This book was developed in collaboration with DILIT INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, Rome.
Schian isch's gwesn. Nine lessons to understand the every day German used in South Tyrol. With 3 audio CDs
AuthorAldo Mazza, Franz Lanthaler, Toni Colleselli

Year published: 2011

Language: German

ISBN: 978-88-7223-116-6

Cost: € 18
  • Three CDs for independent study of the dialect
  • Nine lessons to understand everyday German in Alto Adige Südtirol

Schian isch's gwesn is a teaching material for self-study for all those who want to learn to understand the everyday German spoken in Alto Adige Südtirol. Two Italian-speaking students work, with the help of a teacher, with short texts in authentic spoken language. Listening to these lessons allows you to develop the ability to understand South Tyrolean dialect and introduces some linguistic and cultural particularities of South Tyrol.

The language of the lessons and Dialekt-Boxe is German.
This material was published with the support of:
Hoi Hanni. Hörverständnisübungen zum Südtiroler Deutsch. With instructions and cassette
AuthorsAlfred Knapp, Justine Gruber, Toni Colleselli

Year published:

Language: German

Pages: Exercise book 88. Instructions 32

Price: Exercise book € 9. Instructions + cassette € 14
The difference between the German language spoken in South Tyrol and that taught at school is certainly one of the reasons that make it more difficult for Italians to communicate with their German-speaking fellow citizens in their mother tongue. ​
HOI HANNI is an educational material designed to bridge this difference. It trains passive understanding of South Tyrolean German and can be used as supplementary material both at school and in German courses for adults.
This book was published with the support of:
Parlando parlando. 100 activities for promoting oral activities in Italian. Teachers' guide + Student worksheets
AuthorsAldo Mazza, Sandra Montali

Year prublished:

Language: Italian

Pages: 127

ISBN: Guida per l’insegnante: ISBN 88-7223-052-7. Schede studente: 88-7223-049-7

Price: Guida per l’insegnante: € 19. Schede studente: € 32
Parlando parlando offers 100 free oral production activities organized into 4 sections:
  • Talking about yourself
  • Speaking in particular situations
  • Discussing things
  • Talking about pictures
There are two partf of Parlando parlando:
  • A Teacher's guide: detailed instructions on how to use each of the proposed activities
  • ​Student Worksheets: a ring binder containing photocopyiable worksheets and a large collection of images
This material was published with the support of:
Unter uns Gesagt. 100 activities for promoting oral activities in German. Teachers' guide + Student worksheets
AuthorsAldo Mazza, Sandra Montali

Year prublished:

Language: German

Pages: 94

ISBN: Guida per l’insegnante: ISBN 88-7223-051-9. Schede studente:  88-7223-048-9

Price: Guida per l’insegnante: € 19. Schede studente: € 32
Unter uns gesagt offers 100 free oral production activities organized into 4 sections:
  • Talking about yourself
  • Speaking in particular situations
  • Discussing things
  • Talking about pictures
There are two parts of Unter uns gesagt:
  • Teacher's guide: detailed instructions on how to use each of the proposed activities
  • Student Worksheets: a ring binder containing photocopyiable worksheets and a large collection of images
This material was published with the support of:
Italiano in ospedale. Italian course for health care professionals. Level A1-A2 - Students' book with audio CD + Teachers' guide
AuthorsSandra Montali, Claudia Provenzano

Published: 2011

Language: Italian

Pages: Student's Book 164, Teacher's Book 65

Prezzo: Student's Book  € 20,00, Teacher's Book € 10,00
This book is aimed at A1 students with some knowledge of Italian.
It contains exercises, grammar and a cd with audio of the language used in hospitals, with educational material for preparing hospital staff to communicate in italian in the most common work situations

Listening & Speaking
In order to faciliate immediate communication needs, oral language is given priority in this book. exposing students to authentic material right from the start. There is rich oral input with recorded excerpts taken from spontaneous conversations between Italian-speaking nursing staff using the language normally spoken in hospitals. There are various controlled speech exercises to help students reflect on the language and to help them memorise ferquently used linguistic forms as well as free oral production to help develop interlanguage.

Reading & Writing
The book includes authentic reading texts and simple writing activities which can be adapted to the needs of the student.

The book provides broad opportunities for deceloping basic specialist vocabulary with particzular attention being paid to how words are formed in Italian.

Grammar reflection
There are proposals for reflection on the language in schematic form within the units and a grammar summary at the end of the book.

There is a test of what has been learnt at the end of every second unit.

This is aimed at teachers to enable them to make the best use of the Students' Book and the audio recordings on the cd.

Health/Welfare care Glossary English-Italiano | Italiano-English
AuthorsAldo Mazza, Toni Colleselli

Published: 2011

Languages: Italian, English

Pages: 175

Price:  € 12,00
4,000 terms in the healthcare sector. A "linguistic emergency room" for health and social workers, patients and family members.
The alphabeta glossaries offer around 4,000 terms that cover the most important activities in the healthcare and care professions field. They are intended as a simple, immediate help for all those who work in this sector, but can also be used by users of health and care services, both directly by patients and by their family or friends.
This is a short series made up of four volumes that cover the translation of the basic vocabulary for five of the most widespread languages ​​in Italian hospitals. ​
  • English - Italian
  • Spanish Italian
  • Polish - Italian
  • Romanian – Italian 
The alphabeta glossaries offer specialist terms and expressions used daily in the workplace. Grammar input has been deliberately omitted and only the gender of the nouns and, when necessary, the masculine and feminine forms of the term are written in brackets. This choice is primarily due to the desire to make its use as easy as possible. In fact, the main objective of the glossary is to allow you to quickly identify the meaning of a certain term in order to be able to use it immediately and solve a problem of understanding, even outside of a structured linguistic context.
This book was published with the support of:
Health/Welfare care Glossary Español-Italiano | Italiano-Español
AuthorsAldo Mazza, Toni Colleselli

Published: 2011

Languages: Italian, Spanish

Pages: 174

Price:  € 12,00
4,000 terms in the healthcare sector. A "linguistic emergency room" for health and social workers, patients and family members.
The alphabeta glossaries offer around 4,000 terms that cover the most important activities in the healthcare and care professions field. They are intended as a simple, immediate help for all those who work in this sector, but can also be used by users of health and care services, both directly by patients and by their family or friends.
This is a short series made up of four volumes that cover the translation of the basic vocabulary for five of the most widespread languages ​​in Italian hospitals. ​
  • English - Italian
  • Spanish Italian
  • Polish - Italian
  • Romanian – Italian
The alphabeta glossaries offer specialist terms and expressions used daily in the workplace. Grammar input has been deliberately omitted and only the gender of the nouns and, when necessary, the masculine and feminine forms of the term are written in brackets. This choice is primarily due to the desire to make its use as easy as possible. In fact, the main objective of the glossary is to allow you to quickly identify the meaning of a certain term in order to be able to use it immediately and solve a problem of understanding, even outside of a structured linguistic context.
This book was published with the support of:
Health/Welfare care Glossary Polski-Italiano | Italiano-Polski
AuthorsAldo Mazza, Toni Colleselli

Published: 2011

Langauges: Italian, Polish

Pages: 179

Price:  € 12,00
4,000 terms in the healthcare sector. A "linguistic emergency room" for health and social workers, patients and family members.
The alphabeta glossaries offer around 4,000 terms that cover the most important activities in the healthcare and care professions field. They are intended as a simple, immediate help for all those who work in this sector, but can also be used by users of health and care services, both directly by patients and by their family or friends.
This is a short series made up of four volumes that cover the translation of the basic vocabulary for five of the most widespread languages ​​in Italian hospitals. ​
  • English - Italian
  • Spanish Italian
  • Polish - Italian
  • Romanian – Italian 
The alphabeta glossaries offer specialist terms and expressions used daily in the workplace. Grammar input has been deliberately omitted and only the gender of the nouns and, when necessary, the masculine and feminine forms of the term are written in brackets. This choice is primarily due to the desire to make its use as easy as possible. In fact, the main objective of the glossary is to allow you to quickly identify the meaning of a certain term in order to be able to use it immediately and solve a problem of understanding, even outside of a structured linguistic context.
This book was published with the support of:
Health/Welfare care Glossary Roman-Italiano | Italiano-Roman
AuthorsAldo Mazza, Toni Colleselli

Published: 2011

Languages: Italian, Rumanian

Pages: 180

Price:  € 12,00
4,000 terms in the healthcare sector. A "linguistic emergency room" for health and social workers, patients and family members.
The alphabeta glossaries offer around 4,000 terms that cover the most important activities in the healthcare and care professions field. They are intended as a simple, immediate help for all those who work in this sector, but can also be used by users of health and care services, both directly by patients and by their family or friends.
This is a short series made up of four volumes that cover the translation of the basic vocabulary for five of the most widespread languages ​​in Italian hospitals. ​
  • English - Italian
  • Spanish Italian
  • Polish - Italian
  • Romanian – Italian 
The alphabeta glossaries offer specialist terms and expressions used daily in the workplace. Grammar input has been deliberately omitted and only the gender of the nouns and, when necessary, the masculine and feminine forms of the term are written in brackets. This choice is primarily due to the desire to make its use as easy as possible. In fact, the main objective of the glossary is to allow you to quickly identify the meaning of a certain term in order to be able to use it immediately and solve a problem of understanding, even outside of a structured linguistic context.
This book was published with the support of:

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