Ingeborg Mahlknecht, President
Aldo Mazza, Vice-President,
Paul Hammond, Managing Director,
Eva Burger, Manager Bolzano / Bozen,
Georg Stoumbos, German Bolzano / Bozen,
Tayana Prünster, Administration Manager,
Ina Baumbach, Assistant Manager,

Language department
Alexandra Theoktisto, English/Spanish Bolzano/Bozen, 
Seàn O'Toole, English Bolzano/Bozen,
Judy Board, English Bolzano/Bozen,
Wiltrud Arlt Demetz, German / French Bolzano / Bozen,
Priska De Marco, German Bolzano / Bozen,
Georg Stoumbos, German Bolzano / Bozen,
Irmgard Harbich Alber, German Merano / Meran,
Clark Böhm, German Bolzano / Bozen, 
Corinna Gläser, German Bolzano / Bozen,
Anita Rammelsberger, Tedesco Bolzano,
Licia Casagrande, Italian Bolzano / Bozen,
Rita Moreschini, Italian Bolzano / Bozen, 
Maurizio Savina, Italian Merano / Meran,
Gabriela Dachevska, Italienisch Merano / Meran,
Georg Stoumbos, Russian Bolzano / Bozen,
Jonathan Shave, Summer camps,

Almost 200 highly competent language teachers work at alpha beta piccadilly, receiving regular training and support from our teaching departments.

Autonomous learning
Gabriella Zanetti, Tandem Bolzano / Bozen,
Vicky Klotzner, Tandem Merano / Meran,
Kathryn McConnachie, Self Access Centre Bolzano / Bozen,

Front office
Christine Agostini, Merano / Meran,
Walli Menghin, Merano / Meran,
Irene Pizzuto, Merano / Meran, 
Ellen Nobels, Bolzano / Bozen,
Viktoria Muhaxheri, Bolzano / Bozen,
Lisa Messner, Bolzano / Bozen,
Melanie Lang, Bolzano / Bozen, 
Sabrina Rizzo, Bolzano  / Bozen, 

Evelyn Morandell, Personnel Clerk,
Federica Lunardi, Administration, 
Mario Buonavia, Caretaker,
Our Mission statement
alpha beta piccadilly seeks to be a viable, dynamic, innovative organisation which makes a significant contribution to language education, intercultural communication and the development of plurilingualism in South Tyrol.

The ideas underlying this mission, which led to the founding of alpha beta piccadilly, are still alive today, as is the vision of a South Tyrol where linguistic and cultural diversity are to be seen as opportunities and enrichment.

Our corporate values ​​and culture support this:
- living plurilingualism and interculturality (or: practicing what we preach: plurilingualism and interculturality are the norm)
- professionalism and customer orientation 
- Transparency and partnership when dealing with customers, employees and partners
- reliability
- employee participation
- innovation, especially in the field of language acquisition and language teaching 
- a sense of responsibility and respect for people and the environment
Our guiding Principles
Languages and Culture
alpha beta piccadilly is a professional educational institution in the language sector. Our goal is to promote language learning, multilingualism and intercultural communication. It is an innovative organisation, free from ideological constraints, which thrives on the ideas and efforts of dozens of co-workers from various origins and cultural backgrounds.

Language is culture
Language is a living thing. It lives in communication between people, closely connected to the social and cultural context. This is our approach, which is especially relevant in a multilingual area such as South Tyrol/Alto Adige. With this particular situation as our starting point, we aim to make a contribution to the development of a Europe without borders.

Lifelong learning
We believe that learning is a lifelong process. Therefore, we cater for all age groups, from children to pensioners. We are also committed to allowing weaker members of society and disadvantaged groups to access our training opportunities

Respect for people and the environment
We treat our clients, suppliers, partners and employees with the utmost respect, independent of their origin, language, gender, age, religion, ideological beliefs or social status. Our respect for the environment means that we take care to use all resources sustainably.

Made-to-measure teaching
There are many different ways to learn a language. Everyone can choose the one which best meets his/her individual needs from our wide range of educational opportunities. Our qualified staff offer an advisory service and work together with clients to plan a route to successful learning.

Motivated staff
We expect our staff to work hard and take their jobs seriously, and in return guarantee them fair working conditions, a friendly atmosphere and an open and stimulating environment. It is in the interest of our organisation to ensure that everyone is able to express and make the most of their personal and professional abilities. We are pleased that the staff of alpha beta piccadilly have for many years expressed a high degree of satisfaction with their work.

Teaching and learning
The teaching in our courses is supported by a strong commitment to teacher training and research. Continuous reflection on the teaching and learning process is the responsibility of a dedicated department at alpha beta piccadilly, which is in charge of teacher training and the development of teaching materials.

Quality standards
We guarantee our clients a high standard of quality in terms of teaching and methodology as well as in our advice and support services. For educational institutions, there are specific procedures on a European level to assess the quality of working processes. Our services fully correspond to European quality standards and have for many years been regularly inspected by ISO 9001:2015 and Eaquals.

Presence across the region
The effectiveness of our work depends not only on the quality of our courses but also on the extent to which we can offer training over a wider area. In order to meet the language learning needs of a broad range of people we are active not only in Bolzano and Merano but also in the surrounding area.

Cooperation instead of competition
Our strategic choice is clear: cooperation has priority over competition. We are open to all forms of collaborative work with partners who share our objectives in order to widen, complement and improve our programmes, while also making our know-how available to others. We play an active role in networks and partnerships and cultivate relationships and exchanges with training institutions all over Europe.

Between theory and practice
In addition to research and training in the field of language teaching, alpha beta piccadilly also promotes critical discussion and theoretical reflection on intercultural issues. Our publishing house edizioni alpha beta verlag focuses on this area, specialising in the themes of language teaching methodology, sociolinguistics and interculturalism.

Culture of innovation
An innovative spirit is part of our organisational culture. We create added value for our stakeholders and the cooperative through continuous, systematic innovation in the areas of language learning and teaching as well as in our processes.

Non-profit status
We are a non-profit making cooperative, whose members are largely also employees. We guarantee a prudent and transparent administration. In our sector we play a leading role in the education market while at the same time fulfilling a public function which, based on the principle of subsidiarity, is supported by public funds. We see quality as the basis of our long-term survival.
Quality is important for us
The fact that we guarantee our clients the highest quality, not only from the teaching and learning point of view, but also with advising and looking after our students is also confirmed by the various quality certificates that we possess. We are the only organisation in South Tyrol to have been granted membership of Eaquals (Evaluation & Accreditation of Quality in Language Services), which we have maintained for nearly 20 years now. Furthermore we are certified by UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and also have the Tandem-Consultancy Quality Certificate.

As such alpha beta piccadilly regularly undergoes the assessments that are an integral part of these quality certificates and we clearly see ourselves as a learning organisation. We pursue continuous improvement and development of our courses and services with the help of a fully integrated quality management system. Happy customers, a motivated workforce with competent teachers, back office staff and heads of department, along with modern, well-equipped classromms and transparent means of communication confirm our commitment to quality management on a daily basis. 
231 Organisational Model
The Alpha & Beta cooperative has decided that applying an organisational model in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001 is a useful, suitable instrument for sensitising employees and others associated with the cooperative to the use of correct, transparent behaviour and to avoiding those crimes mentioned in the decree being committed.

The Code of Ethics shows the values of our actions. One of the most important principles here is that anybody who is in any way involved in our co-operative has to adhere to these guidelines.

Should any irregularities occur, it is the duty of each employee, co-operative member or any other person in contact with the cooperative to immediately notify the management, the board of directors and the supervisory body which ensures compliance with the law.
Code of ethics
Click here to read our Code of Ethics in Italian.
Environmental Protection at alpha beta piccadilly
Environmental Protection at alpha beta piccadilly
At alpha beta piccadilly, we follow clear guidelines to promote environmental protection and reduce our carbon footprint. Our goal is to have a positive impact on the environment through sustainable practices and to raise environmental awareness among our employees and participants.
Measures to Protect the Environment

1. Reducing energy consumption
  • Installing energy-saving light bulbs and appliances in the training rooms. The lights are always switched off when rooms are not in use.
  • Using renewable energy (green electricity) to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • After work all computers are turned off, not left on stand-by.
​2. Promoting recycling and waste reduction
  • Introducing a waste separation system (e.g., paper, plastic caps, batteries, pens).
  • Reducing plastic waste by providing glasses and water jugs at meetings and events, and in coffee machines.
  • All employees are given a thermos flask to fill with water to avoid plastic bottles.
3. Encouraging environmentally friendly behavior
  • Promoting environmentally friendly transportation options, such as bicycles or public transport, for employees and participants.
  • If possible, car groups will be formed.
4. Sustainable use of resources
  • Using 100% recycled paper in offices and for teaching purposes.
  • Reducing paper consumption through digital course materials (e.g., Dialogue German) and online communication.
  • Replacing printed materials with digital versions for information materials and enrollment forms.
  • When possible we copy and print double-sided and no more than necessary. We reuse paper which has been printed on one side as paper for taking notes.
5. Environmental awareness in the classroom
  • Integrating environmental topics into language lessons, using texts and discussions on topics such as climate change and sustainable lifestyles​
6. Sustainable procurement and partnerships
  • Prioritizing regional suppliers who offer environmentally friendly products to minimize CO₂ emissions from transportation.
  • We provide employees with South Tyrolean apples for a little light refreshment now and then.
  • The buffet at our Christmas party consists of fairtrade and biological products.
  • Where possible we use environmentally friendly products.
Measuring Progress
We regularly measure our progress by:
  • Tracking statistics on paper consumption.
  • Reviewing the above measures as part of our social report preparation.
This data helps us set new goals and continuously improve our environmental protection strategies.
Our commitment to environmental protection is an integral part of alpha beta piccadilly’s corporate culture. We are constantly striving to develop and make progress in this area.

We can't do it without you: read here how you can support us in our endeavours as a course participant!

Our partners in South Tyrol
For alpha beta piccadilly co-operation plays a much greater role than competition. alpha beta piccadilly is open to any kind of co-operation provided that potential partners share our aims and that the partnership serves to enrich the palatte of what we have to offer. For nearly 30 years alpha beta piccadilly has been developing and maintaining contacts and exchanging knowhow with training organisations across Europe.

Many languages but just one aim. The joint programme developed together with our partners in South Tyrol covers a wide range of languages. Apart from open enrolment group courses we also offer tailor-made courses for small groups and/or business or school orented courses. Regardless of which language or which type of course you choose we will help you to reach your objective, whether it is a course for adults or for children. That is our main aim.
Since 2001 alpha beta picadilly, urania meran and KVW Meran have united their forces and organised language course in Meran together. This has brought clear advantages to our clients, who can now obtain information about courses, do a level test or enrol for a course at any of the three partners' offices. The brochures of the three organisations all contain detailed descriptions of the language courses on offer.

Enrolments and further information
urania meran, Via Ortwein / Ortweinstraße 6, Merano / Meran,
Tel. 0473 230219, Fax 0473 211242,

KVW Bildung Meran, Via Goethe / Goethestr. 8, Merano / Meran,
Tel. 0473 223795, Fax 0473 222677,

KVW Bildung Vinschgau, Via Principale / Hauptstr. 131, Silandro / Meran,
Tel. 0473 746721, Fax 0473 746718,
The success of the "Meran auf Sprachkurs" partnership, led to alpha beta piccadilly and KVW Pustertal starting a joint course offer in 2008. Those wishing to learn a language can contact KVW Bildung Bruneck to obtain information about the courses, do a level test or enrol for a course. 

The KVW Bildung brochure contains detailed descriptions of the language courses on offer.

Enrolments and further information
KVW Bildung Bruneck, Via Dante / Dantestr. 1, Brunico / Bruneck
Tel. 0474 413705,
After the success of both the "Meran auf Sprachkurs" and the "Bruneck auf Sprachkurs" partnership, in 2011 alpha beta piccadilly and KVW Brixen/Bressanone started a joint course offer.

Those wishing to learn a language can contact KVW Brixen/Bressanone to obtain information about the courses, do a level test or enrol for a course. The KVW Bildung brochure contains detailed descriptions of the language courses on offer.

Enrolments and further information
KVW Bildung Brixen, Via Vescovado / Hofstr. 2, Bressanone / Brixen,
Tel. 0472 207978,
Vipiteno / Wipptal
After the success of both the "Meran auf Sprachkurs" and the "Bruneck auf Sprachkurs" partnership, in 2011 alpha beta piccadilly and KVW Wipptal started a joint course offer.

Those wishing to learn a language can contact KVW Wipptal/Vipiteno to obtain information about the courses, do a level test or enrol for a course. The KVW Bildung brochure contains detailed descriptions of the language courses on offer.

Enrolments and further information
KVW Berirk Wipptal, Via Streunturn / Streunturngasse 5, Vipiteno / Sterzing,
Tel. 0472 751152,
Association of Parents of Hearing-impaired Children
In collaboration with the Association of Parents of Hearing-impaired Children, alpha beta piccadilly organizes German, Italian and English courses for hearing-impaired people.
Public funding
alpha beta piccadilly receives financial support from the South Tyrolean local government for running language activities: Deutsche Kultur - Amt für Weiterbildung; Cultura italiana - Ufficio Bilinguismo e Lingue straniere; Ressort Familie - Familienagentur.
Click here to see the contributions received in 20182019202020212022 & 2023 (in accordance with law 124/2017)
Private funding
alpha beta piccadilly is sponsored by Südtiroler Sparkasse.

ff Das Südtiroler Wochenmagazin

Our discount agreements
In accordance with our principles we have drawn up agreements with various institutions, organisations and companies, with the aim of promoting multilingualism and language learning among colleagues and members of participating organisations. The agreements offer a reduction in course fees and free use of the Self Access Centre in Bolzano/Bozen.

For further details about the the agreement please contact your employer or our front office.
Should you be interested in setting up such an agreement, please get in touch with Paul Hammond:
Associazione Dopolavoro Ferroviario
Quality assurance specialist (Bolzano/Bozen, part-time)
These will be your tasks:
  • Maintenance and further development of our quality management systems
  • Creating and revising documentation, processes and work instructions
  • Supporting the certification process
  • Collaboration with all internal departments
  • General administrative activities
What you bring with you:
  • Professional experience in a comparable position is an advantage
  • Very good knowledge of German and Italian, good knowledge of English an advantage
  • Confident handling of MS Office and interest in working with new digital tools
  • Team spirit and communication skills
  • Independent and structured way of working
  • Motivation and commitment
We offer:
  • an interesting, varied job
  • an international and multilingual working environment
  • a structured induction program
  • a wide range of training and development opportunities
If you are interested in being considered for this post, please send your CV to
Paul Hammond,, 0471 312036
German teachers
Für die Durchführung des umfangreichen Kursprogrammes suchen wir für Bozen, Meran und 
Umgebung ab sofort qualifizierte SprachlehrerInnen für Deutsch.
Ihre Aufgabenbereiche umfassen:
  • Vorbereitung und Durchführung des Unterrichts
  • Kursdokumentation
  • Regelmäßige Teilnahme an Fortbildungen
Sie bringen dafür folgende Voraussetzungen mit:
  • Ausbildung und Qualifikation als SprachlehrerIn
  • Unterrichtserfahrung
  • Sozialkompetenz im Umgang mit KursteilnehmerInnen
  • Führerschein (von Vorteil)
Wir bieten eine interessante, vielfältige Tätigkeit in einem angenehmen Arbeitsklima, leistungsgerechte Entlohnung, Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen an Herrn Georg Stoumbos (

Our Quality standards